The leap

This is the moment...putting it all on the line...breathe deep...exhale...jump.

The unknown is a scary place for many...including myself. As it turns out, I married Anthony, who finds comfort on the brink of organized chaos. I, on the other hand, like the known, record everything in a monthly spreadsheet, and weight the pros and cons for days prior to making decisions. Anthony takes a moment to think it through and then acts without hesitation accepting the consequences of his choices and always keeping an optimistic vision. As you can imagine, our "conversations" when making choices are intense and often comical. 

This blog will capture the highs and challenges of running a family business, while also providing insight into our lives and tips from our real estate experience as we grow our expertise.

Through self-education, passion, and faith we strive to provide beautiful homes to today's families. In hindsight, the vision started years ago, but today is the day it becomes a family business. Here's to the unknown<3


High school sweethearts

High school sweethearts