When people ask "Where did you meet?" and we tell them "We began dating in high school," it almost always follows with an "awwwww" reaction.
Most people ask “How have you made it since high school?” I tell them it has been a journey of love and many lessons along the way.
Here are our top 3 leaning lessons from mid-30 year-old high school sweethearts.
Positive: You have known each other from day 1--prior to having anything to call your own. You are on an adventure together. I remember when my husband, then boyfriend, would walk up to the gas station telephone to call me at night. He did not have two nickels to rub together. We did not know what the future held, but we were in it together. You have grown together to have a common vision.
Challenge: You have literally lived through years of highs and lows. As much as you remember the good times, the not so good times were typically during your most immature years. Yeah, remember saying that dumb comment to your boyfriend after a long night in college--well, some people never forget (lol). At this point, you may or may not have completely forgiven each other...pretty much all of your baggage comes from direct impact.
Positive: I tell my mother-in-law "love you" just as much as I tell my own mother. My father-in-law is dad to me. The same goes for my parents and our siblings. There is a level of mutual comfort and trust that only comes with knowing each other since childhood. The same goes for friends. My husband knows all of my friends since childhood and vice versa. What is understood does not need to be discussed between our friendships and family. We understand the value of these connections at each level.
Challenge: Again, there is a lot of history, but history is not always positive. As a good boyfriend or girlfriend should do, growing up it provides a level of mindfulness about the people in your life that sometimes you need to hear, but also don't always want to hear.
Positive: There is no better feeling than waking up each day and knowing that you are here today because of each other. From your parents, kids, to your passions--each piece has been impacted by your relationship. I always say that a relationship is nothing without a common vision. We know where we have been and we know where we are going. We have been through trials and tribulations, which makes us fearless in the face of challenges.
Challenge: What happens when your visions do not align? This most likely will happen along the way. My advice is to not give up so easily. There will be highs and lows each day, each month, each year. Do not overanalyze your relationship during one of the low moments. Keep the vision in mind, discuss it daily, stay on the same page and know how you both fit into the big picture. Communicate with each other often and adapt along the way. Work hard to grown together,
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