When faced with a decision you either decide with your heart, mind, gut, or learn to use all to your advantage.
The heart allows your emotions to take charge. Is it impacting someone I love, something I believe in, or maybe even someone or something I despise?? Either way, thinking with only your heart can lead to irrational decisions, but when used intelligently helps find your passions.
The mind is a powerful tool. It is a tool you must practice using to focus on bettering your ability to see multiple perspectives. Your mind creates a pros and cons list and allows you to make the calculated decision that on paper--is the best choice.
The gut is the X factor. I often hear people say that I didn't go with my gut feeling- often called your intuition. Your gut is the annoying voice in your body festering and telling you what the answer is, but your heart and mind keep jumping in front and shutting your gut down. Get this--your guys is ALWAYS right. Many times it takes months and years to realize this--the sooner your realize, the better you become at making challenging decisions. It requires a level of patience to see it through, which few possess, but for those few--it is a most glorious and fulfilling prophecy.
Personally and historically, my mind would always win and my heart was not even a contender. It was not until everything I believed to be true about life was challenged in my late 20s. It was then that I began hearing my gut. In my 30s, I now allow my mind and (somewhat) my heart to battle it out and then my gut jumps in to make the ultimate decision. It may sound crazy, but I believe listening to your gut is actually a higher power directing your life in a vision you are not capable of understanding.
So, while all play a necessary role in decision-making, take it for me, go with your GUT 100% of the time.