Moments come and go where we allow ourselves to slip into a mental funk. Many times this comes from looking at what others have and we are missing. Be it lavish vacations, cars, clothes, a family, homes, etc. the grass may seem greener on the other side. Just know that everyone is going through their own battle--some may seem greater than others, which is perspective. The next time a colleague gets the promotion you were hoping for, your friend announces she is pregnant while you have been trying for years, or your brother closes on his first home--remember to hold back the feelings of envy and the "why not me" thoughts. We all have our time to shine--it is just a matter of when and where. Be happy for others' success. Build up your circle, work hard, be patient, and above all live in the moment when provided the second to do so. If your inner circle is not building you up and support you during times of success and need--then it is time to find a new circle. Long term, positivity always wins.
Our sweet flower
Little Miss Positive